The West Coast of Newfoundland

Monday, July 7th  2130  (48o 44’N, 58o56’W): Off the West Coast of Newfoundland

Post tropical storm Arthur passed through Port aux Basques with no more than 40 knots winds that clocked  across the harbor. Lillian strained against her dock lines and rubbed against the fenders and tires, but nothing that threatened any damage. The main call to action for the crew was to fend off from the pier whenever the 500+ foot ferry sounded its horn and plowed its way through the entrance to the harbor. But even that cruise-ship-size ferry stopped running on Saturday due to the wind and waves on the outside, which made us further appreciate the shelter of the harbor.  By last night, however, the weather was beginning to calm down and ferry service had resumed. With the barometer rising and the weather faxes indicating more moderate conditions, we reassembled the boat and prepared for sailing. At 0230 in the Morning (still on Rockport Maine time), we cast off from the pier and headed back out the mouth of the harbor, around the West side of Newfoundland, and towards the Straits of Belle Isle.  The reason for the early departure was to take full advantage of the light, which first returns around 3 in the morning.  According to the North American Ice Service reports, we are approaching the Southern limits of this year’s ice bergs within the next day or two, and plan to avoid traveling through the field in darkness. Tonight, however, we are still 100 miles south of the observed ice and plan to sail through the short hours of darkness ahead, with the benefit of a gibbous moon.  The sail today was varied, but pleasant. Wind, no wind, spinnaker, motor, waves, clouds, sun, dramatic cliffs to the east, and  for a short periods, white backed dolphins racing back and forth under our bow.  Everyone is tired from our early departure and the adjustment back into a routine. I plan to write more on events of the past week, but for now, I’ll send this courtesy of Sailmail via the Single Side Band Radio, and then take a short nap before my  next turn at watch.

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